Do you have ambition to live or retire abroad?
I loved Rome!
For someone who hates Texas & Dallas, I am surprised that you like Florence.
it's something I noticed about Amsterdam - I was there three different times
We had a 6 week tour of Holland, but stayed in Amsterdam and just drove to every city
Then when my then GF was teaching in Den Haag, I visited and we stayed in Amsterdam 2 other times
In essence I realized that I had visited 3 different cities - it would be like visiting NYC and going to Upper West Side, then Midtown then Lower East Side
3 completely different places
so you and I might have been in different Florences (we were also very well treated there and I was hanging out with the star of the Italian Olympic volleyball team, so that might have influenced me)
Rome I loved individual things (esp riding Vespas through that nuts traffic and then seeing the aqueduct on the way down the Appia Antica ), I just didn't vibe with the whole thing (and food we ate was just meh)