We just willingly let MIKE EVANS go into the record book versus us?

If I were the coach, the record that would have been set in that game would have been the most untimed downs to end a game. I would have had 4 defenders holding Mike Evans every play until after 13 defensive holding calls they were within the 5 yard line so they couldn’t gift him the record.
LOL, all these "if it were me" armchair coaches are leaving out how they would have explained a possible instance in which one of their key players for next season tore an ACL in the course of all these extreme measures toward preventing a record in the last half-minute of the final game of a terrible season.

I'm sure that "I tell ya wut, he wuhddunt gawna git them dad-gum yards" would have been a tremendous explanation that the fan base and media would totally have been on board with.