For anyone who says Carr is just a stat padder and don’t win:

Nothing we talk about here helps or hurts the franchise, FWIW.

I think sometimes, me included, we all get too angry and personal about how we feel things need to go to the point where you’d think we are all sitting in some board room making real life decisions.

We all want the same thing, none of us have a crystal ball to know whether our way is the right way or not, and we need to keep this in mind when getting angry at people because they feel a certain type of way about a particular philosophy or personnel move.

SaintKayBee isn’t “sunshine pumping,” they just believe in the course and think our lack of success is due to circumstances beyond the course of action you believe it is due to.
I mean, it’s a real simple premise over here - I cheer for my favorite team to win :shrug: I’m not doing anything groundbreaking, revolutionary, or unexpected. I root for the people involved to have success, because seeing them do well makes me happy (whereas losing doesn’t devastate me as it once did - lose some dearly beloved friends early and your perspective on this stuff shifts). I don’t care if the HC/QB is Sean Payton/Drew Brees or Timon/Pumbaa - if they’ve got the black & gold on, I’m better to myself and others rooting for them to win than resigning to despair before they get on the field. One thing you’ll never catch me doing is getting personal, because that’s not fun for anyone involved.

Analytically speaking, in 2022 & 2023, that whole “cheer for my favorite team to win” thing didn’t expire til after their week 18 results were in, when some tiebreakers didn’t go their way. With multiple paths to the playoffs you don’t prefer that one, but getting there is the goal because you never know what could happen, and just doing some back of the napkin math here but somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 players would like to still be playing too so we have that in common. Anyway, this year elimination happened a lot sooner, the coach got fired and I… no longer posted about hoping for his/the team’s success because they were no longer linked. I moved on, even if someone following me around the board firing invectives at me hasn’t.