Do you have ambition to live or retire abroad?

What’s kinda crazy to me is , and i know you are kidding and that you don’t actually hate us (i dont think) but what’s crazy is that this type of life is accessible to you or just about anyone else who’s reading this.. not saying that it doesnt take planning and sacrifice, but the world is so small with technology these days that even if you have a family (and if you dont mind the long haul flights as much as i do) you can pretty much live anywhere you want in 2025…. *especially* specifically for someone like urself who spent so many of your younger years traveling so much, it seems very doable.. but huge DISCLAIMER though, im not really privy to anyone else’s life situation beyond my own….. that said, I honestly just dont understand how any of you people can afford to live in America in 2025.. outside of maybe Superchuck and Efil :hihi: .. it just seems incredibly unaffordable so if for no other reason, forget the good food and the lack of crime and the lower stress relaxed lifestyle- - just escaping the sky high prices for daily living in the West is reason enough , imo, to relocate abroad . theory
my job is still very much face to face and I just can't imagine a school/company in Thailand or Vietnam getting all giggly about a well passed his prime experimental dance and theatre teacher
plus since my oldest seems to be riding this Musical Theater train - and most of those job offerings will be stateside, I just don't see expatriation is in my cards atm
my youngest is a bit obsessed by Japan, so that might be an easier sell, but...