Do you have ambition to live or retire abroad?

I lived in South America for almost 2 years. Have been to Colombia, Ecuador & Brazil.

I would consider Spain, too, since I already speak Spanish but Italy is just 😍

I have also been to a shirt ton of places in the Caribbean (& Puerto Rico) but I could not live on a small island. I love the beach and warm weather but I need the freedom to travel distances without having to get on a plane.

Also been to Canada to a few places. Too cold. Africa & Asia I have yet to explore but will likely be going to Africa this year though it’s not really for reconnaissance for places to live lol. Just for vacay.
I could live on a small island in the Caribbean. Montserrat is wonderful. So are Domenica and Illes de Saintes. A couple years ago there was a beautiful home for sale on Montserrat for 160k. I’ll upload the pic when I get home. Of course there is also the volcano and the “exclusion zone”…