For anyone who says Carr is just a stat padder and don’t win:

Both wins and losses get credited to the team, not a player. :shrug: Obvioisly the QB has the most important role as a player and leader, but they can't win/lose on their own. Its a team, not individual game.

Dumb statement is dumb.

Yes, because you keep beating that drum.

No, and didn't say or imply they are.

Yes, but thats not the point.

He's above average in just about every other metric besides wins and losses. So, maybe the team needs to play better? The irrational hatred is, well, irrational.

Keep enjoying that fantasy. I'll stick with things that are real.
They also go on to the players individual record as well. Carr sits at 77-92. That is below average. Dumb statement agreed but you are the one that thinks wins and losses don't matter. I just pointed it out to you. You are the one bringing Burrow up, not me. Thats the second poor comparison you brought up. So you are implying Carr and Burrow are on the same level since you keep using him as a basis of comparison. Derek Carr you say is above average except for the whole winning thing. Got it. Your irrational bias is well irrational. You mention fantasy and yet ignore win/loss record which is in fact real.