Comic Con Talk (Renamed since LA Comic Con can't get it together)

I've never been to one of these things. Was considering taking my 9 year old on sunday in NOLA. What can i expect at these type of things? Would my son have fun? I should say, i doubt my son cares or even knows who any of the celebrities are. i was thinking it could be fun seeing people dressed up and all the random stuff there. Not sure if that makes it worth the entry price.

It really depends. If he's not interested in the guests, is he a collector of anything? There's a massive vendor area with lots of merchandise, collectibles, hand crafted stuff, art, etc. If he's into anything remotely nerdy he will find plenty of stuff to look at or buy. Con prices can be rough, though.

If you don't think he would be interested in the guests, that cuts out panels or signings as possible draws. There will be lots of cosplay. I'd say for a Sunday price spending some time in the main hall, taking pics, seeing all the vendors and their wears would maybe be worth it. But it really depends on how into comixs/anime/video games/sci-fi and fantasy he is.