COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

American girls' performance at school has suffered a bigger blow from the Covid-19 pandemic than that of their male peers, according to a new analysis.

reported on Monday that Since 2019, girls' average test scores have dipped below those of boys in all 15 of the exam datasets examined by The Wall Street Journal, the newspaper reported Monday.

While both genders suffered some "learning loss," girls appeared to have been hit harder – sometimes by a marginal amount, and sometimes substantially.

More alarming is that recent research by the University of Arkansas (PDF link) suggests that this pattern holds true across 70 other countries, even adjusting for demographic differences between each population.……..
Girls tend to be more sociable and rely heavily on the group social dynamic, especially in school settings. They often seek support from their peers rather than approaching the teacher, who may be preoccupied with managing more vocal or disruptive students. Additionally, girls are generally more dependent on social feedback, which makes them more vulnerable to the effects of social isolation. Numerous scientific studies have shown that social isolation disproportionately affects girls, often resulting in higher rates of depression and lower self-esteem compared to boys.

Another important factor highlighted in the reports is that girls are more likely to take on additional responsibilities at home, such as assisting with housework and tutoring younger siblings. While these activities can enhance their understanding of foundational concepts, they also reduce the time available for learning new skills or exploring personal interests.