The Investment Thread

I was ( in/out)

i just didnt out in time lolol.

story of my investing career- day late and 40% lower than i would have liked. lol.

btw- im KEEPING that sticky on my desk for as long as it will stay there as a REMINDER ( I did call my FA and we have a sell $ if and when it hits the number both up and down- im still in the black, but not near the black i was just 24 hrs ago )

oh well.

anyone need insurance?!?!?! lololol. i need to make some money back- holla if you do! ;)

Well that stinks, sorry to hear that. When I saw the press release by Google touting their Willow chip, I was playing the Jim Carey 'Oh boy, here we go' meme in my head. You had all the fintech news sites abuzz and acting as if we were going to have quantum computing phones in our hands in the next 5 years.

For the last year or so I have been dipping my proverbial toe into learning quantum mechanics(almost to the point I was thinking of taking a few college level linear algebra courses).

The sheer logistics involved in quantum computing makes the prospect of actually being able to use them in commercial applications is so far away most of us on this board will be dead or in the twilight of our lives before it even sniffs the possibility of being commercially applicable.

Don't even get me started on the error correcting problem or the q-bit problem when it comes to quantum computing. Then we have to get into the power and cooling logistics.

This is a really good watch if you have the time: