Had a bunch of JWs knock on my door awhile ago. Normally when someone tries to proselytize me I say something like, "Already found God, thanks" and cut them off. But I had been deep diving on cults so my curiosity was up and I gave them a chance -- before shutting the door on them -- to speak. I wish I could remember what they asked me; but it was something about God, I think, and I know my answer was "real" meaning it was expressing how I felt. Well, the guy answers back, "No, that's not right." Wrong answer, dude. I'm not going to further engage in any discussion after you tell me I'm not right. There's no common ground to start on (not that he was ever going to sway me because I had already heard past JWs speak about their experience, but I would have had a conversation). I couldn't shut the door fast enough.