Skip Bayless Accused of Paying Hair Dresser at FS1 $1.5 Mil to Have Sex With Him; Accuser Declined Offer
Ive heard said all sex is negotiation
Except in the "countercultural" late 60's/early 70's when it was mostly all free, and liberating and powerful somehow with the aegis of the "Sexual Revolution" baby beginning. It's a revolution thing, man.
What's interesting is that a few original Black Panthers had a negative, dismissive view of the whole "free love" hippy aesthetic. They werent prudish or puritanical mind you towards sex or even drugs its just neither looser morals regarding sex and drugs in of itself never freed enslaved or liberated opposed, subject minorities anywhere at any time in history. They cited accurately that the ancient Hellenistic Greco-Roman culture and society that was much more sexually daring, explicit, and erotic in its art, wall paintings, literature, decos in villas in Pompeii and Hercullaneam, didnt mean that the ancient Greeks or Romans were any less cruel, violent, harsh and punitative in conquering, subjugating and culturally assimilating surrounding national/cultural identities. That's why its always puzzled me when some people assume that a supposedly more open and free society regarding sexuality, expression, erotica and looser norms somehow equates to a more liberal, exclusive and tolerant world when history is full of examples where that simply not the case. Power Politics has never been so easily explainable or reductive in its reasoning or conclusions. In their last few decades of existence, quite a few Warsaw-Bloc Soviet-allied Eastern European nations became more tolerant, if not accepting of homosexuality or open public displays of homosexuality like East Germany and Yugoslavia. That still didn't mean that both countries weren't one-party, authoritian highly-centralized police states where Stasi informants, undercover officers, spies werent enmeshed within maybe 1/6th of all East Germans living in country and that both nations were fundamentally undemocratic societies. And Yugoslavia, by the early 80's after Tito's death, was a crumbling, failing Serbian ethno-state that couldn't keep centuries of past religious, cultural and ethnic sectarian rivalries under control anymore and would massively implode internally by the early 90's and make the city of Sarajevo hell on Earth throughout most of the 1990's.