Rank who you like most of the 8 confirmed HC candidates plus Gruden

For me it's Glenn beyond any doubt. He has worked with two high profile HC's, He is a former NFL player, so he shall have player's respect more so then a Cullen Moore, he will clean house on the defence and hopefully in conditioning.
I just hope he keeps Kubiak because of what I saw in the first two games last year before the whole thing blew-up because of injuries and DA who was clue less as a leader.
I don't know about Kubiak. He had the worst offense (ranked 32nd) in the NFL in the 2H of games. He constantly showed that regardless of injuries or any of that, he could not adjust once teams adjusted to him at halftime. I guess the jury is still out on him, but it is really hard to judge. We did well against, at the time, 2 of the worst teams in the NFL. Then we did not do well again all year but rarely ever were in a good spot due to health.

We scored 7.7 points in the 2H on average. Almost 6 points below the season before (I understand injuries) but I’m more concerned with the lack of adjustments which was a knock on Kubiak even prior to his stop here.