I’m one of the weirdos who prefer the human interaction
I’d want to go to the store and restaurant- both to see the same people and to see new ones
Especially if I was newish in the city
I was definitely like that last year.. also for my first three months or so here this year.. here’s the main issue I’ve encountered with that though: It is hot as BLAZES outside …. I would walk 5 minutes to the store and be drenched with sweat.. I started to make a conscious effort to stay indoors from about 12 noon to 7pm every day , then a couple weeks ago it actually started to cool off around here (low 70s at night seems relatively cool).. from what i understand though, that cool snap will be short lived and back to normal in a week or so.. think NOLA (or Houston, or Florida ) and how it is unbearable for 7 months a year- but here it’s like that 11 months per year… i feel prepared for it though, most Americans dont come from extreme heat & humidity like i did, and most of them arent tolerant of spicy food like i am.. and re the weather, i think ive mentioned before that after spending the last 5 yrs in Nashville where it snowed and froze 6 months a year- im back to being ok with the heat… still, it’s hard to leave ur air conditioning here when it’s so easy (and cheap) to stay put .