Loomis Presser Set for Jan 13th

Tone was set during the Payton era - ask tough questions or turn yourself into a media heel, and there will be, um, “professional consequences.”

Right or wrong, if you want to maintain your access, don’t make yourself a pain to deal with or create distractions for our environment. And definitely, without question, ever ask about player injuries, because you won’t like my answer.

SP has literally personally called reporters after press conferences or the day after games to scold them about questions they asked.

This is how all professional sports franchises operate now. It's big business and they want to try to control the narrative.

The truth is that the "tough questions" are very seldom going to get answered and if they are answered they are never going to be answered truthfully or to our satisfaction. What fans really want is reporters to express their frustration and extract a pound of flesh by being an butt crevasse to the coach and GM. But that's never going to get the information we want and it's going to cut off access to the people who do have that information. If you lose credentials, you don't have the ability to talk to players, assistant coaches, staff, equipment guys, etc. who might tell you things that he head coach and GM are never going to tell you. Reporters have to have credentials to access that information and they aren't going to get the answers we want from a head coach or a GM.

Basically, reporters are doing the job the best way it can be done but people constantly birch about it.

Of course, there is nothing Loomis could possibly say that would placate this fanbase at this point other than getting up there saying he is resigning because he's a idiot and forked up while introducing Howie Roseman or Brad Holmes as the new GM and committing ritual seppuku live on camera to atone for his sins.