Job Satisfaction

I feel like since 2016 and then the Covid years, we're all free agents working in at-will positions unless backed/bound by a contract. There is no loyalty in corporate America to the employees, who know this and react accordingly.

My advice is to find what makes you happy. IIRC you're late 40's (don't shoot me if I'm wrong!) so you have maybe another 12-15 years to work? Do not spend it slaving over a job that has become a trial. You may find it best to become an expat. Looks like your position is good for at least two years so you've got some time.

I've been in healthcare 20 years and it's never felt so shaky. I took a job with the state of Maryland, leaving my managerial position in a horrific corporate culture so I could just focus on treating patients. the salary cut has been brutal, but I love the environment, benefits, etc. However, I could be forced to return to the for profit sector due to financial considerations. I hate that.

Good luck. Workplace angst is at an all-time high it seems. If it wasn't for my kids I'd have boogied off to a beach somewhere and just surf and burn me a few fat ones. I'm done with this country.
Mid-40's. I hate corporate America. I don't like being chained to a desk 5 days per week all day. My company is not immune to the corporate greed that is rampant in this country.

I hate hearing how much clinical development costs. We bill out our SME's for $300-$600/hour. My hourly rate is $350/hour. I promise you I don't make that. Then it's like basically we need to be at minimum 80% billable hours to justify keeping our jobs. I understand needing to remain profitable but companies' unwillingness to operate on a smaller profit margin and unwilling to reduce executive salaries. My CEO makes $30M / year. We keep offshoring jobs to India & Eastern Europe. Laying off more and more people while over-working the people they keep. Selling more work than we can deliver on.

Taking a pay cut would be the hard part. Being comfortable is nice and I won't lie about that but man this ish is just not fulfilling.

I kind of want to take a consulting gig for like 6-9 months then be able to take some time off in between gigs but then I have to worry about health insurance that I cannot be without.