Mid-40's. I hate corporate America. I don't like being chained to a desk 5 days per week all day. My company is not immune to the corporate greed that is rampant in this country.
I hate hearing how much clinical development costs. We bill out our SME's for $300-$600/hour. My hourly rate is $350/hour. I promise you I don't make that. Then it's like basically we need to be at minimum 80% billable hours to justify keeping our jobs. I understand needing to remain profitable but companies' unwillingness to operate on a smaller profit margin and unwilling to reduce executive salaries. My CEO makes $30M / year. We keep offshoring jobs to India & Eastern Europe. Laying off more and more people while over-working the people they keep. Selling more work than we can deliver on.
Taking a pay cut would be the hard part. Being comfortable is nice and I won't lie about that but man this ish is just not fulfilling.
I kind of want to take a consulting gig for like 6-9 months then be able to take some time off in between gigs but then I have to worry about health insurance that I cannot be without.