Chase Young looks undisciplined

Bear with me here because I know we have had our squabbles on this subject…

So he cost $13m this year and we borrowed $9m in space from next year to make the move. Without doing so, we never get the player.

Why are we now not able to just borrow more money from 2026/2027 if for some reason that missing $9m becomes a factor late in this year’s free agency? We certainly can.

All we are doing is just moving money around using future dollars that are virtually unlimited (within reason).

I do want to hear your rebuttal. Knock some sense into me.
No squabbles, friendly disagreements. We are able to do what you're saying. I just don't think it's smart. Players get hurt, players decline, players don't fit the scheme like you think they will, you get new coaches that want different players, etc. Then you are stuck with those players or have to take on a ton of dead money. When void years are involved it makes the price tag even larger.

Doing this once in a while for a player when they don't quite fit under the cap when it's close is one thing. Doing it when you just had to clear $60 mil of cap by doing the exact same thing with guys already on your roster is just dumb. Maybe it seems smart if you're a top 5 team, it definitely doesn't when you're a bottom 5 team.