Kyren Lacy [arrested] for felony hit and run/negligent homicide [released on bond]

I'm extremely familiar with this area... this is not a broad interstate highway with lots of shoulder room... it's a curvy 2lane road through the former swamp, ditches on either side. Yeah, way too many people passing in these areas....
I travel that road up through Chackbay everytime I go to Baton Rouge and yeah, there’s NO shoulder. Especially that stretch northbound after the LA-307 junction that goes to Kraemer.

The area the wreck occurred in (according to the photo LSP posted) was right in front of the Dollar General after passing the Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church while going southbound so while not as bad as that other section of LA-20, he definitely didn’t need to be flying through there either as there’s a lot of driveways and businesses right near the road.

Once you make that big left hand curve in front the church there’s a straightaway that goes for a mile or so until right after Chackbay Elementary, but if I’m not mistaken the area where the wreck occurred the speed limit is 45 or 50 but it’s been a minute since I passed last.