Job Satisfaction

I often think about doing something kinda like this. Putting all my stuff in storage, shack up with my mom for awhile, save money (while paying her rent of course, it's not her job to house me for free), then for half the year or whatever, go shack up in another country and explore, come back to the US and shack up at my mom's and work a 6 month consulting gig, wash rinse repeat. Of course I couldn't live like that forever but it would be nice to do while I'm still young enough to really explore.
This is exactly why I encouraged our oldest son to stay with us as long as he wanted. He went to school for welding and became a union welder making pretty decent money but I told him I want him to have a nest egg so live here (rent free) and just stick money in his savings until he's tired of living here. He moved out a few months ago because he's dating and really had no place to take girls back to and was embarrassed to say he still lives with mom/dad. I get it....and he did get a nice nest egg built up so it was time. I had a couple talks with him about it prior to him moving out. I told him at some point he has to start his own life and leave this one much as I love him and will miss him he needs to do his own thing. He's 20 minutes from us so we still see him regularly so win/win so far.