Job Satisfaction

I have worked for 7 companies including my own.

I have worked at huge corporations and small companies.

I have worked in 23 states, been to 49 and lived (1 year min stay) in 18.

I used to develop and PM design-
build breweries. I built one in Hawaii. I got to mess with robots, cranes of every type, and build some of the biggest buildings in the world.

I get paid like a physician (pcp) and work from home. I fly all over the country and sometimes world and stay and eat on other people's dime.

I forking hate my job. And I think I am as happy as a person can be at work.

It isn't you. It's work and it's soul sucking.
The only folks who don't hate their jobs seem to be the ones for whom that job is a calling. I have worked with nurses who absolutely love their jobs, even if they don't always love the companies who pay them. The same can be said for some teachers, ministers, etc. Although the education field today is tough and likely to get tougher.

As a treating therapist I love my job and my patients. I just don't make anywhere near the money I made as a manager. As a therapy program manager, the job with my last employer was absolute misery. I've never hated a job as much as I hated that one and it was 100% corporate culture that ruined it.

If I can find a managerial position that splits the difference, I can handle it. There is one possible position locally that may fit the bill, we'll see. They seem to have a different corporate mindset.

If only I could turn my most satisfying hobbies into well-paying jobs I'd be drag racing or carpentry/home improvement. The drawbacks to those two is that you live on the road during racing season (there is also no money in it until you get to the top ranks), and any type of home improvement is hard on the body.

Anyway, good luck to all of us as we try to find some sense of satisfaction in today's corporate world.