This team needs Jon Gruden right now

i think that Gruden was setup. It's much to do about nothing........and it wasn't something done while coaching."he who is without sin, cast the first stone".....We need the discipline that he brings. now i would like him to still have an OC and collaborate to bring his offense up to date.....but we NEED A LEADER OF MEN. not an offensive or defensive mind.
Yeah, he was canceled during the height of cancel culture which has since been canceled. The NFL (Goodell) wanted to make an example out of someone which they have a history of doing (Saints/Bountygate) and Gruden was an easy target since he questioned Goodell's manhood by calling him a pursy. Let's not get it twisted, it had nothing to do with race, Goodell got his feelings hurt. It's the same reason why Goodell went after SP for telling him to go fork himself with the Vicotin issue. Goodell is a petty, weak man and a power hungry dictator.