Loomis Presser Set for Jan 13th

I think there are some posters that do for sure, but is that somehow shocking? But a personal attack? Just want to be miserable, take themselves too seriously? Sure, there is all of that and exactly what I would expect on a message board.....

There are also some way oversensitive, rah-rah, the Saints can do no wrong types that were dead wrong about everything to date (just wait until DA gets an OC, Kubiak is going to fix everything...blah, blah, blah) that went to ridiculous/silly lengths to defend DA and still defend ML......again, exactly what I would expect on a message board.....

I agree there could be more humor....

I guess I just have higher expectations and I'm more okay with the over the top optimism that is often wrong because this is supposed to be fun which is where the humor should come in. The criticisms are mostly valid, but are often times repeated so often and with so little humor that it wears thin. And sometimes they aren't valid, they are just mean spirited personal attacks made because people need someone to be the target of their anger and DA is gone.

But I guess others treat this as some sort of therapy session to get all the anger and frustration out. To each their own, but I just find it frustrating when we can't have nuanced conversations because any attempt at nuance or trying to look on the bright side is met my overwhelming cynicism in every single thread. But, I probably expect too much from people.

And in the end we are all just a bunch of fans that don't have access to the information to really know what is going on. To paraphrase Mora, we think we know, but we don't know. And given that, all of us, including me, should probably take our opinions on this stuff less seriously.