Job Satisfaction

If you don't leave, don't follow Hitler.
I didn’t. Jan 1, she moved to her new business unit.

My boss now has technically always been my boss since I started here. I have reported directly to him (he’s a VP) at various points in time for different reasons. I like him. For the most part, I like my team. I just find that management consulting in biotech is boring as hell to me and my company - while overall decent (used to be wayyy better) is succumbing to the standard corporate greed operating model and squeezing every last bit of juice out of employees and then some.

I don’t know why but I have so much anxiety around work every day and I just don’t want to do this ish. Adding to that, I have to accommodate mfa’s on the east coast & hit the ground running with a daily meeting that I lead at the azzzz crack of dawn