Who do you love more in tonight’s Rams/Vikings wildcard game?

Yes, but at the end of the day that's one game. The Vikings crap has been endless - losing on MNF with the missed facemask on Reggie, The Minneapolis Meaningless Miracle, their TE pushing off in the end zone to win a game in OT. And NEVER forget it was the Vikings that really started the ball rolling with the "Bountygate" stuff and still using it as an excuse as to why we beat them in the 09 season.

I blame the league for the Rams in 2018, I blame the Vikings for being the Vikings.

That being said if the Vikings won on some obvious terrible call as another poster mentioned, I might find a good bit of irony and humor in it.

And it goes back even further. The 87 playoff game. The 2000 divisional round. The gold jersey game. Wade Wilson.