
It’s a question I’ve had to wrestle with as my own marriage unraveled - it’s a question i still don’t know the answer to — and I also question is the answer is important
Because of trauma mostly from her teen years, my wife has found it difficult to trust and to be vulnerable
The fallout of that means she has difficulty being honest
The question I’ve wrestled with the last few years is whether my wife is lying to herself or to me
And then I have to ask, since the result of that lying lands on me about the same regardless of intent, does it matter who she’s lying to?

In your example it doesn’t matter - the person receiving the bogus information was lied to - period
I wonder if there’s the possibility of progress if the lie was self-deception
Actually I understand that. In 2021 I wasn't able to walk without help, I weighed 300+ pounds (most but not all due to my injuries and depression), had lost my business of 20 years and the 16,000 sf building it was in, and my ex was cheating on me. I felt similar....was the fact that I was a mess physically (and mentally) driving her away?
I had to realize I was too damned focused on things in my life I had no control over. The only thing we can control is how we respond to what life deals us. So I decided I could control what I put in my mouth and lost 120 pounds (which also gave me a personal goal, a sense of accomplishment, and some pride back)
Additionally it wasn't my fault my ex did that. She wasn't willing to do counseling and if she didn't want to be married to me anymore, she owed it to me to talk to me and let me know instead of what she did. She took the easy way out for her