
I had something similar once. Neighbor man (over the fence backyard neighbor) knocked on my door late one evening with a small gift in hand, Oh, did you know my wife and I are broken up? Nope but thanks for the candy. Goodnight.

I guess guys think we should find this flattering but we don't regard it as flattering that because you and your old lady are having issues that you think of a woman that lives alone as your next-door dating buffet. You are now the creepy neighbor. Congrats.
All I know is that when I was married I always had my wedding ring on. The only time I took it off was surfing because I was afraid of losing it in the ocean. That damn thing was a bigger chick magnet than the MGB I had in my 20's.

"Ooohhh, you're married? Let me help you with that" Is it the challenge? Wtf? I didn't cheat when I was married despite the opportunities. A woman being married was a hard line in the sand which I did not cross. I dated when my ex and I separated, and was honest that we were separated, not divorced.