Job Satisfaction

This is somewhat of a tangent, but do any of you fear AI? My current job is somewhat hands on, but could definitely be impacted once AI takes off. I would think a very large number of jobs fall into that category. I just crossed the fitty barrier and I've saved well in retirement, so I think "I'll be good", just curious how the rest of you feel with this elephant in the room looming. I genuinely feel this will significantly impact a large number of Americans in the next decade. So much so, it gives you a sense of fear. I gear it more toward "can my children survive"? Both are in careers that should be able to withstand the AI onslaught.....but what about people in your sphere? Close friends and relatives. Just your general neighbor. How will gubmint adjust? How will we handle the unemployment and poor?

Will this be the industrial revolution 2.0? Maybe even more significant. Crazy times.
We're integrating stuff with AI every day. From our perspective, it will add jobs in the tech field.

I believe AI has been way overhyped but there is, as with everything, good and bad. I can see many ways in which AI will be helpful and I can see how AI will force some to work differently than they do now. As someone in this thread said, AI is coming and we should embrace it. But it is still very much in its infancy and we don't know what we don't know.

But I do not fear AI save for its use by bad actors.