Payton on being one of the least injured teams in the NFL

Yep, and the fact that Favre didn't get pissed that the Packers drafted Rodgers and Rodgers didn't get pissed that they took Love . . . Oh, wait . . . Favre and Rodgers both got pissed and eventually left Green Bay because they were not kept informed about the process or told about the team drafting a QB before it happened. Couldn't possibly be that Sean and Loomis were looking to avoid a situation where they pissed off Brees. It has to be a conspiracy theory that puts Loomis in the worst light possible.
Is any one player more important to the organization? The same type of thinking let Mick assume Payton would be here forever. The head of a significant business needs to think objectively and long-term. Mick failed that test.