
I never did until I started seeing this girl (long distance I was at UNO she was at UMD) that was half Irish and half Korean.....We visited each other for weeks at a time between 1987-88, I was getting ready to graduate and move away from NOLA (and ironically wound up in MD) and she wanted to move in with me.....wherever I went, I wasn't wasn't a mistake per se, I have no complaints....She was a great girl, funny/smart, already had her degree, it's just the timing wasn't right.....ever since her I admit I do find Asian women.....attractive....

Terp would know where I met here (at UMD's infamous dive bar back in the day).....

Also, I take at least 2 showers a day....FWIW (nothing)
I have 2 good friends (female) who are both half Asian. One is half Korean and the other Japanese. Both of them have Asian moms and white dads.