Who's ordered from Temu?

I haven't but my mom has. It's basically really cheap ish from <Trump voice> CHINA.

My mom sent my aunt and me a text in our group chat asking if we had any idea what this little plastic thing was. To me it kind of looked like a clipper guard for an electric razor but it wasn't. None of us could ever figure out what it was. When I asked mom where it came from she was like "well, I ordered a sweater from this Facebook ad from a company called Temu but that's not what I got." I burst out in laughter because of how shady of a reputation they have and was like mom, do not buy from places like these. It's shirty cheap bs.

My mom is 70. In lieu of the sweater she ordered, she received an apron with skulls all over it, that unidentified plastic object, and a few pieces of goth jewelry with skulls on it. She never got her sweater.