I want no part of Aaron Glenn as a HC

You hire guys as Head Coaches that DO overcome those things. Instead, he gave up 45. And its not 1 game. 4 years, the highest ranked defense he has put on the field is NINETEEN.

Those things are not reasons you promote someone to HC. You promote a guy to HC that overcomes them. The things you listed are excuses for why he didnt. Not why he overperformed as a DC. Instead of saying, he held Wash to 21 even with all the injuries.....you say he gave up 45 because of them. Do you see what youre doing with this?

This is a continuation of the excuse era that you have been so proud to endorse. Everything we've done wrong for years, youve supported each and every one of them. So lets bring back a guy who WORKED FOR the last guy we fired. Who runs the same defense. But hasnt been as successful as a DC as the dolt we just fired.

Its no shock, and its pointless. But this seems rather easy to work out.
His D gave up 38 NOT 45. There comes a point that the greatest OC, DC and HC cannot overcome DECIMATING INJURIES . BUddy Ryan's 86 bears could not overcome those kind of injuries. It's really naive to think that ANY coach can magically make elite players out of 3rd and 4th string players

Also , did you not know that the Lions offense had FIVE TOs ????? Including a pick 6??? Now follow me here, that's FIVE possessions and 7 points they gave up. FOUR opportunities for the offense to score and FOUR more opportunities for the OTHER team to score

You seem hung up on rankings, I guess you should go and see where Payton's offense was ranked as the Cowboy's OC . You wouldn't have hired him either