Tiktok stuff

TikTok isn’t available on the Apple or Google Play stores - because the law that came into effect yesterday subjects those companies to stiff penalties for anyone who "distributes, maintains, or updates" the controlled material, i.e. Tiktok. As far as those outlets are concerned, it appears that they are treating the ban as in place.

We know that TikTok took itself offline Saturday evening. We know that TikTok claims that it came back online thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump (who didn't actually do anything and wasn't president yet). Some think that what happened was that TikTok migrated to Meta servers (or some kind of US server system) but it's hard to really see how that fixes the problem that the statute identifies and prohibits.

Trump did indeed say that he intended to provide the 90-day extension the statute allows - but it only allows it in certain conditions (that don't appear to have been met yet). And what are Tom Cotton and the other TikTok hawks on the Hill going to say about all of this? I suppose that this really becomes a MAP thread at that point - we should avoid talking about the politics of it and focus only on the tech, legal, and mechanical aspects.