Bears hire Ben Johnson as HC to 13M/yr; Dennis Allen is expected to become Bears DC, Johnson is heavily pursuing Rizzi to be STC

But again though, what if we are doing these interviews and the “not safe” hires are indeed showing us that they are not safe? Why does everyone just assume all of these interviews are going 1000% perfectly?

What if we are making calls around the league to people they have worked with before and are coming away unimpressed?

What if we are asking them simple questions that they don’t have a plan for?

What if we don’t like the demeanor of a candidate and have a hard time seeing them leading the organization, representing it in front of the media, etc.?

We just don’t know. All fans are going by literally is stat sheets of stacked teams these guys happened to be coaching.
I liked this and your last post in this train of thought, even as someone who has sought the virtue/benefit of lesser-regarded candidates.

I think oftentimes, fans are overdialed on their own team’s things — paying close attention to your rooting interest is generally a good thing — but some people emerged from this season ready to be pessimistic about everything the team is attempting to do to right the course. I try to remember that the players, the front office, and all the coaching candidates are people, first. I wanna see this team win, so I’m learning what I can about the guys they’re considering as coaches, so I can go into the hire/approach to the season ready to cheer, not ready to sneer.