That sounds a lot like me. I find myself super "reactive" to carbs. If I'm not eating carbs, a couple bites of a good steak and a salad and some broccoli
"Just eat less". My mom ate less and I never really heard her say things like "I'm starving" or even "I'm hungry". Me? "When's dinner, I'm famished?" The woman could eat a small square of a dark chocolate bar and be satisfied. Me? Eating a small amount of chocolate will always lead to me eating a large amount of chocolate. Her lunch could be a cup of soup and a couple saltines and maybe a couple cheese cubes or some fruit and that would satisfy her the rest of the afternoon. And not because she was ever on a diet. She wouldn't tell me I had no willpower but my body just worked different than hers. She was always fairly active but didn't exercise per se. I chalked a lot of it up to hers not being a generation that was raised on processed foods and me to the first generation that was bombarded with processed foods and HFCS by the '70s.