With the 9th Pick in the 2025 draft, who should the Saints select? (merged)

I’m not guessing. I’ve done the exercise, many have. These are facts I am stating to you.

Whether or not the team elects to do it is another story, but from a pure math standpoint, the statement I made is accurate….we can clear the $50m deficit AND add approximately $40m in cap space if we so choose.

It’s not a “monumental task.” People act like the team hasn’t been aware of exactly where its cap is this whole time or like they’re going to be scrambling to figure out how to get under. These things are all planned out in advance, we just need to turn in the paperwork as to what our intentions are.

Maybe we slow play it like last year and only open up the space we need as we need it, but who knows. The capacity is there though.

I would need to see the simulated moves you referenced before making any judgement, but I remain skeptical that we can a) make moves which will clear out that $52-59MM cap space; and b) clear out another $40MM in cap space, while c) keeping enough of a competitive core intact so that we can add players via the draft and via FA which would make us contenders (and, hence, put us in Win Now mode).

It sounds like you've seen some of these proposals elsewhere. Mind pointing me to a few of them?