[Deleted X post] Rizzi’s interview was impressive per Nick Underhill

Im warming up to Rizzi, for all the wrong reasons.

If Loomis hires Rizzi, there is no redeeming him. Loomis has to go when Rizzi goes. I just hope its pump and dump with Rizzi. He is an interim, if he is hired as HC and bombs.....we can let him go after a season and not take much flack for it.

2nd, Id rather not ruin a new HC with the disaster 2025 is going to be. Let Rizzi take the Ls, fire him and Loomis after the 2025 season.

Underhill is a megaphone. He doesnt care what the fans think. He cares what Loomis thinks.

1 of 2 things happened.

1) He got info from the Saints FO that Rizzis interview went well, and they wanted to keep it under wraps. So they contacted him about it and he deleted it. They want full control over how they decide to disappoint the entire fanbase except 3 people about Rizzi.

2) He worded the tweet in a way that brought too much.....'this is happening'.....to the discussion, so he deleted it.

Either directly or indirectly, he was acting on how the FO did or would perceive it, and nothing to do with the comments.

No one is going to be happy with Rizzi. He knows it. Loomis knows it. But Loomis has a real penchant for wanting to defy logic and look like the smartest guy in the room. I see this being no different.
Small town teams use guys like Nick to float test balloons. In exchange for certain privileges and info, they (the team) control of the narrative.