My case for Brady...or Kafka or a Coen type
Coen is likely a lock for the Jags. I think for us it’s down to MM, Brady, Kafka, Rizzi or Moore.
Mike is the safest pick but unexciting. I’m quite confident that the results wouldn’t equate to Super Bowl or even NFC Championship appearance. Even with luck and refs on our side.
Moore, and Rizzi would equate to a .500 team roughly (if that) imo so I’m completely out on them.
Brady seems like the wildcard. I don’t think he would be any worse then a .500 team but the ceiling could be Super Bowl.
So for me, it’s Brady.
Kafka is the strangest. I think he’ll depend heavily on coordinators and our success and failures would depend on having two hot coordinators at the same time, which seems unrealistic. But even Kafka would be a bit of an unknown for anyone to come up with any expectations. So I may find him a touch more appealing then McCarthy.