Jets fans are hilarious, on Monday they had a "Fire Aaron Glenn" thread going. Also a "Fire Newmark" one as well. And finally, "Does AG get a contract renewal" all before any of these guys are hired. Jetsfans are next level
I believe and always have that all fan bases have their lunatics. Their fanatics lol. Every one of em. They are indeed funny tho.
I used to be a fanatic. Then I started thinking, as my real world problems were happening….I’m literally obsessing over grown men who are multimillionaires for throwing running catching and tackling another grown man millionaire with that ball they’re throwing running and catching. And it’s just business for 99.9% of them, which is fine, as it should be. Absolute insanity from the fanatic side tho haha.
That’s why it’s all just fun and entertainment to me now. I lost my fanatic badge after the Super Bowl win, and the league flushed it down the toilet in the 19 NFCCG.