Loomis' one unforgivable decision

The only mistakes that is unforgivable is how he handle Post-Payton. No godly reason why he didn't reset the cap and start a soft rebuild then is beyond my understanding
This. This and only this. You can do the hindsight is 50/50 thing all day on specific draft picks or Free Agent misses but they can't all be homeruns. That's part of the job. But your main job as a GM in the NFL is the stability and health of the franchise. You have to know when to hold em and know when to fold em. SP didn't want any part of a rebuild so I cut Loomis some slack on SP's last year. He didn't have much of a choice but to go all in with a pair of 7s. But when Drew and SP were both gone and they were replaced with Winston and DA, Loomis moved all in on a stone cold bluff.

A lot of people around here thought it was the right move at the time. They would point to the talent on the roster and say now is not the time to blow it up. People honest to god thought we could walk the yard and win it all with DA and Winston. When you would point out that Winston isn't that great people would say that he's basically Peyton Manning and he's been attending Harvard for QBs. Remember that argument? People twisted and turned doing pretzel logic trying to justify something that was clearly a mistake.