Dan Snyder HATES The Commanders Success

Even if a true Marxist anarcho-communist state were to be achieved or attempted, it would still be a one-party, authoritian somewhat rigid police state where civil liberties (freedom of press, conscience, religion) would eventually come under attack or be suspended or outlawed.
Organized religion or the very concept of God itself doesn't exist in Marx's envisioned far-distant future utopia. "The opiate of the masses" was an ironic phrase meant by Marx and later socialist/communist idealogues for industrial proletarian workers to destroy, eliminate bourgeiouse, remnants of feudalism by smashing, closing or turning churches, synogagues even mosques into hospitals, hostels, or schools. If you were a believer, you'd be mocked, shunned, or discriminated against by being given menial, "go-nowhere" jobs with little socio-political, economic mobility.
Don’t threaten me with a good time