Yea I get the sentiment forsure, to me the guy just has zero Payton vibes and no presence on sideline. What I worry about if that I think we are more likely to see the output of the Chargers O than we are the Philly O we are seeing this season. It’s easy for us to get excited about this guy because of the Eagles season, but if you put last season and this season on a scale, I’m certain we will see Moore lean closer to what we saw with Chargers.
To that end, I was never impressed with the O in Dallas when he ran it, there was a reason they moved on, and it isn’t always Jerry being Wrong. I just don’t see the reason to get completely delusional over this guy because of this Philly season.
Look, I hope im wrong, I really do and want the Saints to succeed, but this to me feel like a “hire a young coach” trend, executed by a front office that clearly doesn’t recognize that makes a good coach (got lucky with Payton), young or old, with demonstrated ability that they are stuck in their ways. To be that spells disaster.
It 100% should have been McCarthy imo. Kafka after. MM would have been alot smoother transition, but hey the chips are in now it sounds like so I guess we will see what Moore can do if accepts job