
I think its hard to say for even the experts- since Russia simply lies and hides just about everything from military to financial to economic to production capabilities.

Literally, everything.

2 months ago, they fired the Orishenk missile at Ukraine. Immediately after, Putin said if we have to, we will send MORE.

2 months later, several refinery hits, 2 munition dumps hit and not a single Oreshink fired. Why?

They aint GOT NONE. But Putin told us they had PLENTY.

If you have ever heard the phrase " Potemkin village" - its an old Russian myth from 100s of years ago when Russian Empress Catherine II was to visit Crimea. A General, Gergory Potemkin, constructed fake villages along her route, so as to impress and show their might.

Its largely fake/myth, but it bears some resemblance to Russia in 2025. Its all a front. A Potemkin village.
Look at efil4stnias going all Saintman2884 history on us.