Mike Florio bringing the proper perspective to our organization: “Saints are a solid long-term destination for a new coach“

What hilarious is that Florio says something good about the Saints and now it's pissing off a very disgruntled portion of our fanbase that he said nice things about us because it doesn't match how they feel about the team. All he is saying is that this is not a good job short term, but in the long run it has been and will likely continue to be a good organization. But these days anything short of calling the organization a dumpster fire is met with anger and derision.
I'm not pissed off about it. I think he left some things out because he doesn't follow that closely and doesn't know the details. It's clear that he doesn't know the details because he thinks they can move off of Jordan, Davis and Mathieu to get the cap right when the exact opposite it true.

Some believe that Loomis' has learned that he needs to get things under control because he was a bit more conservative last off season. I say it's too early to say that until it becomes a pattern. The next month or two will let us know whether he thinks we are in win now mode still or if we're resetting.

Either way, it IS a tough short term place to coach for any coach. There is only so much that can be done. And while Loomis has shifted roster responsibility to the past two coaches, the next coach is going to be saddled with the last coaches problems. There is no way to get those draft picks back and make better choices. A lot of the other teams with vacancies had at least selected a lot more young players over the past 5 years, possibly some with talent to work with. Over that time the Jags drafted 18 more players, the Commanders 16, Jets 15, Raiders and Cowboys both 11 more. Only the Bears were close to us with only two more selections and they are considered by many to be an eternally mismanaged team.

The teams needs a new strategy. The old one has not worked out well for the team. We haven't seen enough evidence that the front office wants a new strategy because they'd have to admit their failures. Maybe they're doing that internally, but we aren't seeing it from the outside looking in. And like I said before, we'll know a lot more in the next couple of months. The direction we're headed will be obvious by the choices they make.