I don't get. For the life of me I don't get it. These dudes have money. There are so many things you can do with money to achieve certain goals. A guy like Tucker should have no problem achieving lofty, high end goals. Instead we see this creepy stuff. Maybe the thrill comes from the act of being creepy itself? Maybe it's like, "If I'm not creepin, I'm not living".
I don't clutch pearls and I don't have a moral high horse to ride but good god, it's crazy that we still have dudes out there creepin hard in 2025. It's not okay. It never was. You have to treat people with kindness and respect at all times. Can't be running around creepin out in spas.
Edit: Pretty strong denial. He brought up defamation and that's telling. If I was accused of something awful and I was honest to God innocent I'd go after everybody who came up with the lies.