Help with PUP setup for a ps3
Do you mean UPnP ?
That's a technology that lets the ps3 automatically detect media servers on your local network. I jumped through a lot of hoops with a Sony technician to try to enable it through the internet, but it really doesn't work that way (because there aren't really any detectable streaming media servers on the net using that technology). Since yours is showing enabled, you must have a computer that is sharing media (itunes or something else, depending on configuration).
The best way to ensure gaming bandwidth is to check your router for the ability to prioritize traffic (QOS settings). If you prioritize the port forwarding that ps3 uses, you can improve performance a bit (note that unless the other computers are using a lot of bandwidth, this really shouldn't be an issue).
Make sure that you forward the 7 or so ports that ps3 uses (or set it up as a DMZ) for maximum performance. I'll post them later here if you need them.
PUP files are used for ps3 updating: