Family Feud - Need some Polling Numbers!
It's been a while since I've been to MG, but you'll need filler :hihi:, so:
Favorite King Cake Flavors - Pan de muerto
Who has the Best King Cakes - Maria Fortunata (Mex.City)
Best Mardi Gras Parade - Zulu
Best Mardi Gras Throws - Zulu coconuts forevah!
Reasons you are late to a parade - got detained by police for driving with a tapped keg (cop saw me pouring one)
Best place to stand during the parade - top of a tree
Best foods to bring to a parade - jerky
Favorite destination for Mardi Gras - New Orleans / Fat Harris
Best Mardi Gras Ball - Endymion
Best drink during parades - Bourbon
Where to pee during a parade - anywhere police don't see you.
Name an ailment you have after a parade - hangover/black eye
Reasons to miss a parade - got the wrong date
Which Celebrity would make the best King/Marshall? (politicians excluded) - Lady Gaga