Yeah, it’s safe to say that if anyone has a different opinion or thought from some of the more frequent posters then they’re more likely to get bashed “clowned”.
I guess if you believe that you have 30K posts that means you’re the authority on all things Saints on SR. Normally I sit back and watch but those of you that are counting “fire ML posts” are getting ridiculous. Just have SR merge them. Maybe the OP has a full time job and doesn’t live on SR 80 hours a week like some of you to notice that someone already started a similar thread geez.
For the love of all things human though could everyone just please chill with the constant “no I’m right, you’re wrong”, “no you don’t have factual evidence it’s just your opinion”. It’s a fan forum, people are going to have various and different opinions and views and that should be allowed without being read the riot act, even if you know or feel in your heart of hearts that their wrong. So freaking what, just move on to a different thread, no need for the peanut gallery to way in on EVERY single post that annoys someone.
It’s as if some of the members here scan each new post waiting to attack or ridicule a poster the second they post something that’s either been said already or that some, not all on SR disagrees with.