Crisis communications: emails show Saints & Pelicans helped New Orleans church spin abuse scandal [Goodell says NFL isn’t concerned]

Going through this mental exercise of taking out the emotional ties we have, as 'fans', to this organization and really looking at this situation is totally on-point. Picture Elon/Tesla, Bill Gates/MS, or whatever major corporation out there doing this. At the very least this billion-dollar company is using its resources to advise/put a PR spin on a religious organization weathering (yet another) storm of children being raped. Even to the point of suggesting certain accused names being taken off of a list to avoid public embarrassment.

This is beyond reprehensible. I don't care how close you are to a church/religious organization. This is something you don't even consider touching, let alone offer your company's resources to.

My initial gut, admittedly emotional, reaction has me questioning my continued fandom. I wouldn't blame Moore, or anyone, in the least if they decided not to work for a company that engages in this.

You can spin it as "oh, how coincidental this piece coming out right now", "old news", conspiracy theories to make the team be sold/moved, or even what appears to be some victim blaming, as much as you want. This is awful horrible, horrendous behavior by an organization that should not be dismissed or just brushed off as a 'nothing burger '.


The number of people in this thread trying to handwave this away because their favorite team did something reprehensible is wild, but not shocking. Fandom is often cultish.

But make no mistake. This is disgusting.