Family Feud - Need some Polling Numbers!

Favorite King Cake Flavors - Plain, meaning, no filling.

Who has the Best King Cakes - Randazzo’s

Best Mardi Gras Parade - Endymion

Best Mardi Gras Throws - Drawers/Thongs

Reasons you are late to a parade - Last minute attendance/wasn’t planned.

Best place to stand during the parade - in the front with a kid on your shoulders.

Best foods to bring to a parade - Eat before or after at a really good, local restaurant.

Favorite destination for Mardi Gras - corner of Napoleon and St. Charles

Best Mardi Gras Ball - Zulu

Best drink during parades - Water

Where to pee during a parade - any reasonably priced toilet.

Name an ailment you have after a parade - headache.

Reasons to miss a parade - the parade sucks or rain.

Which Celebrity would make the best King/Marshall? (politicians excluded) - Cam Jordan.

I already have a PowerPoint templet, i just need to plug in the questions and numbers and I'll be ready to go. Hook me up good people!