What remains of the Anthony Davis Trade...

They should’ve let the original trade return grow with each other. Hart, Daniels, NAW, and Hayes with Herb, Trey, Hawk, Yves, BI, and Zion, would have eventually became a deep playoff team if they just waited a couple seasons from the time the former were moved or walked.

They had an arsenal of u27 talent already on the team. Forced a championship contending deadline to appease an injury prone star by moving long term productive players for very short term, declining vets. Now they end up blowing the team up in short time with nothing to show for and hope they can draft replacements of the players that they traded. Griff made trades for the approval or interests of a part time player.

The Thunder talent model was present on the team but with a coach who can only coach older vets and a VPBO who’s centering personnel moves around one player.